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Magazine Contents & Preorder Instructions

Writer's picture: GrindstoneGrindstone

Hello fellow writers -

We know you've been waiting with bated breath. Today is a big day - lots happening. The results of our Flash Fiction 500 have gone out, we're announcing the list of authors chosen for the Magazine, we're giving away our FREE 5K STICKER (totally free - head to Twitter for more details), and we're also offering up our Literary Magazine for preorder!

The question is - why would you preorder it? Well, it's simple really - because you'll get these awesome bonuses:

  1. Those who preorder the magazine will receive it for the discounted price of £1.99 (formerly £2.99)

  2. If you preorder, you'll also receive some excellent Grindstone Stickers for free! Two of them, to be exact.

  3. You'll also get our Writers' Revolt Grindstone Bookmark, for free!

  4. You'll get a letter of thanks from us that contains a hilarious limerick, signed by yours truly - but that's not the big deal. The big deal is that the letter will contain a little something extra - a gift worth £14.99. It's up to you whether or not you'd like to claim it, but it's there if you do!

Now, those are of course all excellent reasons that you'd preorder a copy of our magazine. But, the most important thing is what's going to be in it. Below, you'll find some of the amazing features and articles we'll be including!

An interview with Emma Finn - Emma is a Literary Agent over at Conville & Walsh, and is an all around awesome person. We chatted books for a long time, and we got all her insights and thoughts on the industry, what we're all doing wrong in our submissions, what she'd love to see land on her desk, as well as the inside scoop on our International Novel Competition. All that will be bookended by all the information you could ever want when submitting to her.

An interview with Rebecca Bird - Rebecca is a great poet and performer, and she'll be judging our International Poetry Prize this year. I bent her ear for far too long, and she laid it all out for us - poetry, how the heck you can be good at it, what you need to be doing, and how you should be doing it. We also talked about the upcoming Competition, and nailed down some awesome advice from her for all you aspiring Poets!

An interview with Anna Davis - Anna is the managing director of Curtis Brown Creative, and has been kind enough to not only sit down and talk to us, but also to give us a heap of golden information about what you can expect when you enrol on a CBC course! They've got a quickly growing list of writers that have taken a course, and then gone on to find representation, and we're getting the low-down on why exactly that is. We're keen to know, too!

An interview with Catherine Cho - Catherine is an agent with Curtis Brown, and you'll be overjoyed to know that her speciality is SFF - yep, Sci Fi & Fantasy! We asked far too many questions, and got some amazing answers and insights into this evolving and just plain insane genre-set! We talked about the past, the present, and the future for trends, and about how you can write a killer cover letter and synopsis for your space bound or elf-clad epic!

An Interview with Katie Brown - Katie is an editor at Trapeze and Orion books, and we're getting down to brass tax. The industry is changing, and we have to change with it. Katie clues us in on what goes on behind the closed doors between pitch and publication, which is definitely helpful in an industry that requires books to be as publishable as possible before they even go to agents! We also talked about how the industry is changing, and what that means for us as writers moving forward.

An interview with Stuart White - As well as being an awesome writer, Stuart White is kicking up a storm on Twitter and elsewhere, too, with his Write Mentor programme - a free scheme that pairs aspiring with established authors to help develop their craft! We'll have all the details and information you could ever want.

A hard look at the Twittersphere for writers. Peer Pitch, Pit Wars, VSS365, WriteCBC, and loads more! Never heard of any of those? We hadn't either, but they're all ways that you could get noticed and published, all on Twitter, for free. We'll have all the info you need to get right up to speed.

An interview with the head of the Young Writers Anthology over at Electric Reads! 25 and under? This is just for you. This amazing opportunity is run every year and needs to be shouted about. And that's just what we're going to do.

A curated collection of unpublished work that exhibits some of those oh-so-rare qualities we all want to embody in our work. We're pairing them up with our own insights and commentaries, so as well as appreciating the writing itself, you'll also be able to deconstruct their craft and use their techniques for your own work. This is a learning experience offered by no other Literary Magazine. And you can take that to the bank!

And if you thought that's all, then you're mistaken. We've got lots more interviews, insights, and cool other bits for you to sink your teeth into.

The 'Why' of a preorder?

It'd be easy for us to skip the preorder altogether and just put this out at full price. Which, we still think is really reasonable considering what's included. But, we want to do it this way because it allows us to give it to you for so much cheaper. We want to make sure this magazine is read as widely as possible, so hundreds of writers (if not thousands) can benefit from it. Now, we can't just risk that much in production costs, because we'd likely put ourselves out of business. But, by offering up preorder, we can offset out printing and shipping costs, and produce more magazines with a higher degree of certainty! That's why it's really important that you guys grab a copy (or ten), so that we can come back and do it all again.

Supporting us in this way will help us grow and thrive, so if you know someone who likes writing, for just £1.99, why not grab them a copy, too?

We'll be going to print over the next few weeks, so get your orders in now!

Thanks so much guys, it's been a ride!

All the best,



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